Nuclear Energetics Conventional Energetics Radioactive waste Radiopharmaceuticals
Year Project Name / Reference Customer Category

Utilization of project reserves at the Temelín NPP

Utilization of project reserves at the Temelín NPP

ČEZ, a. s.

Nuclear Energetics

Non-destructive testing of thick-walled concrete structures

Non-destructive testing of thick-walled concrete structures


Nuclear Energetics

Testing the effect of microbial corrosion

Testing the effect of microbial corrosion

EPRI, ČEZ, a. s

Nuclear Energetics

Macro and microscopic evaluation of structure and defects

Macro and microscopic evaluation of structure and defects

ČEZ, a. s., Slovenské elektrárne, a.s.,

Nuclear Energetics

Type tests and introduction of a program of controlled cable aging

Type tests and introduction of a program of controlled cable aging

EU, OECD/NEA, IAEA, Kablo Kladno, Alcatel Cable, Kabex

Nuclear Energetics

Evaluation of mechanical properties of metal components of power plants

Evaluation of mechanical properties of metal components of power plants

Opatovice, ČEZ, a.s., Slovenské elektrárne, a.s., Metsamor, Kozloduj, Rovno, Khmelnitski

Nuclear Energetics Conventional Energetics

Design and implementation of workplaces with ionizing radiation sources

Design and implementation of workplaces with ionizing radiation sources

ČEZ, a. s., Finland, Romania

Nuclear Energetics

Evaluation of fracture-mechanical properties of radioactive materials

Evaluation of fracture-mechanical properties of radioactive materials

United Kingdom, Korea, IAEA, EU, Finland, ČEZ, a. s.

Nuclear Energetics

Neutron and gamma irradiation experiments

Neutron and gamma irradiation experiments

Germany, Finland, France, IAEA, Japan, Korea

Nuclear Energetics

Evaluation of piping systems

Evaluation of piping systems

NPP Mochovce, NPP Bohunice, NPP Temelín, NPP Dukovany, ČEZ, a. s., Slovenské elektrárne, a.s.

Nuclear Energetics